One of my favorite layouts is "LIFE IS GOOD".
I love the way the layout turned out! It follows some simple rules for scrappers. By first drawing the eye to the picture and then to the elements finally the message.
I believe the border curve provided the focal point towards the photo. I love curves... and they are so easy to do!
I hope you will try this simple technique. I just use a piece of paper that I grab off my copier. Then lightly sketch a curved line, you could use a small lid from a bowl too. Either way I usually have to erase several times to get what I want.
Once I have the curve I place the template over my card stock move it around till I get the correct thickness of the border then I use paper clips to hold it in place. Just cut and your done! So easy!!!
I then trace that curve on a new sheet with a Sharpie and file it away for the next time.
Tomorrow I'll give you some tips on taking an action shot!
Enjoy the weekend!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Try something new
Posted by
4:34 PM
Friday, July 27, 2007
The file is now available for purchase in the store... thank you!
I have a whole list of things to get to... grocery shopping, cleaning, phone calls, cutting some awesome new files that I know your going to love and getting those files ready for the store!
I also have to do some shopping for a gift.... it's my favorite great Aunts 80th birthday party on Sunday! Wow, eighty years, she is much to young at heart! I'm giving you this file to
with us.... I hope you have some things to celebrate...
Posted by
10:16 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I will always CHERISH the moments we share!
I’m working on a page using this little whimsical bench it reminds me so much of a special friendship, one that is lasting! Our old neighborhood and parish was so small that we knew everyone and everyone knew us. A particular couple Larry and Mary Alice, opened up their hearts to my family and others. It became tradition after trick or treating on Halloween to meet up with other families at their house. But when we moved it was hard to keep that tradition going.
In March I received a phone call that Larry was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he was in his late stages. I was torn apart mainly because I aloud so much time to pass and wanted to visit, and I didn’t want to intrude with all my children. Then one Saturday in April my oldest daughter said she was taking the kids for the day. I decided this was the time to go.
On my way I thought about what I wanted to say..... Mainly.... THANK YOU… for your love! THANK YOU for your example but I was worried about being my sadness, I didn’t want to bring that there, I was going through so many emotions!
Available at the Paperthreads store
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
-Mother Teresa
Posted by
11:28 AM
Summers fleeting! BOO HOO
I just love summer time! Swimming at the pool, going for walks outside, catching up with friends who've come in town... it's such a busy time!
But I did manage to work on some files and I'm so excited about these. The School files, I started with the School House album and from their just kept creating all kinds of fun titles and embellishments. Eventually I'll put it all in one big massive file for download, just in case you want it all!
Can you believe my children start school in three weeks? It's so unfair!!!! I feel like the summer is going bye too quickly!!! I'm trying to make time to enjoy it! And I hope you are too...
Now you want a file... RIGHT? I'm sorry I've neglected YOU! Please understand I'm just trying to make the most of our summer before it's over. So let's see what I can dig up for you.... Sound nice.... OH... I found something you've never seen before that's because it's being released in a Collection of Designer files .......... Since you've been so patient I'll give it away for the next twenty-four hours..... How's that?
Posted by
1:34 AM
Flourish Jubliee
It's my flourish Jubilee file! Can now be found in the designer collection files. Thanks for stopping bye!
I hope you like it! I named it Jubilee since Julie was born in the heart of the Jubilee year that was such a blessed year the year 2000.
And Julie is such a special little girl so I named the file after her.
My new files "Soon to be Released" are below. If you can't view them it's because you've upgraded your Internet Explorer browser. Try a different browser like I did.... Then you can have a sneak peak....
I'd love to hear from you!
Have a wonderful week!
Posted by
1:07 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
I hope that you had the chance to download the free YEEHAW file, it is now back in the store....
I can't help my self.... I wanted to share another file with you!
Last night we decided since the weather was absolutely perfect, that we would take the children to the park. As we turned in we heard music and cars were parked everywhere!!!
We found a place to park in front of the playground.... eventually we moved towards the music.
They were playing country, rock and good old oldies.... Julie and I ended up dancing! I love, love to dance!!!!
We had a blast! Our last dance the electric slide... but I can't believe I forgot our camera... we did catch a couple of pictures with our cell phone... I think I'm going to still create a page of the event using my
YEE HAW title! We sure did a lot of Yee Hawing!
The park has another planned event in late August, so I'm going to bring my camera!
Have a nice weekend!
Posted by
10:54 AM