Did you get the news? I'm having a 40 % OFF sale today and tomorrow!
And if your in my group...a little present for you!
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
It's Saturday
Posted by
5:04 PM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
jUmPiNg FoR jOy!
I was so happy when I logged on tonight and saw that Shae & Bernzee guessed two more of my CDT's!
Here was what I found:
Is it Cheri?
Are your 2 designers: Cheri (layout with the chicks)and RMEYFE (layout reach for the stars)?
BTW-that's Jen!
So Shae and Bernzee get to do some free shopping! Email me the file you want along with the format you need and I'll send them right over.
So what do you think about the layouts? I think they are AwEsOmE!
Jen created this colorful layout using my Blast OFF file, CS00087!
I am amazed at how Jen used so many die-cuts on this LO and it works so well together. Did you notice the journaling in the star? What a great idea! And her little cutie-pie in his homemade space suit he looks like he's ready for NASA!
Are you curious to see more of her LO's check out her blog!
Random Thoughts by Jen
Cheri totally took me by surprise on this one when she only requested my "Chick" file. I was thinking "OK...hmm...only the chick..."
Then when she sent me this LO I was blown away.
Do you want to see Cheri's blog? The Scrapping Abyss
It's kind of funny Jen uses a large file with many dies and pulls it off very tastefully and Cheri does the same but with just one little die-cut. That's why they are on the team...let them know what you think about their LO's.
Another reason I am jUmPiNg FoR jOy is my newest design! A flip-flop album and it will be in the store for the sale. CS00225This little album is so cute! You can carry it in your purse and have it full of photos from the beach! It's so easy to make! Or you could enlarge the die-cut and make a very interesting conversation piece for your coffee table and fill it with pictures!
The file contains the cover, inserts and back, a flower, the toe thing-y
along with the title "flipflop". Which will allow you to create many different looks with just one file! The cover and back are designed like a card which you could send out invitations for a summer party.
You can leave it bound together by the fold and place a few inserts to bind with ribbon. Or you can take a craft knife slice the fold and have an album to place numerous inserts.
It's all about what you can do with it!
My daughter Katie had a fit over it and wants to make one for herself and her friends to place the photos from their spring break visit to the beach.
And finally I keep forgetting to tell you! I am in the process of converting files over to the WPC format, I know many of you will be thrilled! NO MORE AV8! So far all of my Amusement Park and the flip-flops have the WPC format and I will announce when the files are switched out.
OK something cute to share!
I was working on a Pirate Ship Ride for the Amusement Park line Jesse came over and sat next to me. He became interested in what I was doing. I was telling him all about the new file as he starred at the computer and watched me draw out the head of the dragon.
Then he looks up at me very seriously and says "Mommie, when you grow up are you going to be an artist?" I just love children! I guess that's why I surrounded my self with them, especially the little ones they say the most innocent things.
Have a good night,
Posted by
11:41 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Create some thing Amusing!

This weekend take advantage with my Spring Sale!
Everyone of my files will be 40% Off!...Yep that's right!
All day Saturday & Sunday you will have not just one day but two to get the die-cuts your just die-ing to get your hands on.
Still haven't spotted my CDT's? Are you looking in the gallery?
Let me give you a couple of hints...
it's yellow and goes cheap-cheap
the other one is...
out of this world!
Now come on someone has to have spotted one of these LO's...
hurry and post your answer for a free file...
HaPpY ScRaPpInG!
Posted by
11:26 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Quest for spotting new CDT's
Am I driving you NUTS? Are you on an endless quest for my newest Creative Design Team? I didn't mean for it to be so difficult but it's turning into something fun for me...he he he. I'm such a stinker. The emails and guesses are coming in some are right.
This reminds me of our Easter egg hunt, we had 74 eggs that were placed out in the yard. The children ran around looking all over laughing and giggling as they picked up the "apparent" eggs. And when they came up back with 68 eggs all of us adults had to chuckle as we sent them out to continue the hunt. Each egg had different prizes too! Just like looking for the "new" CDT's, we had a dollar in one egg coins in many others and of course some candy.
That's how this little quest is coming along... some of the guesses where like finding eye "candy" with the talented work that others have shared. And some of you found some coins. And then their is the big "Prize", like the dollar for the children.
So far I have one "new" CDT found and some good guesses!
Here are some of the guesses for my newest CDT's:
Shelly, she is very apparent like the "eye" candy in her creative work and I suppose she wasn't officially announced so some of you thought that I was talking about her but she has been around a little more than a week. I will still give you a free file for guessing. I just love Shelly's work she is so incredibly talented and always surprising me with new ideas!
Now as for Nikki, she never was on my CDT. From time to time she would send me a surprise in my email saying this is what I made with one or two of your files.
Jen...nope not Jen, but I love it when she shares her talent with all of us!
And it's not Susie... she also likes to show what she has created with one of my designs.
So who has found one of the designers....Ready the email that I received below...
Isn't Tina Mansfield one of them?
She is great. Love that gal and all her ideas.
Yeah Debi! You got it girl! That's right one of my newest CDT's is Tina Mansfield and you get to choose a PRIZE! Any file from any one of my creative designs except a mega file you get to receive!
That means that their are two new CDT's out there to be spotted...Will you find them?
HaPpY HuNtInG!
Posted by
9:51 AM