Ok...I know I'm getting behind...but please give me a break! I just finished last years taxes and I always get so stressed till they are done! It is crazy with Scott having his own contracting business it's enough to send you in a whirlwind! But I survived... while I was about half way through I realized two things.
#1 How much I love that guy! My husband, to have to work all week long, week after week rehabbing homes and then have to keep up with all this paperwork!
#2 We needed help so I stopped and ordered QuickBooks Pro...now the scary thing...I have to learn to use it! OH...well it's always good to learn new things isn't it?
In the mist of all the craziness Doreen took me by total surprise by sending me this layout. It really brightened my day! What do you think? Isn't it fantastic how she changed the whole look of the Enchanted Castle? I love this whole layout! I just had to share this with you!
Tomorrow I'm going to the CKC-St. Louis Scrapbook Convention! WHOO HOO!
I just can't wait to see all the new products! It's always such a special time for me and my girl
friend, Michelle to get away and do some serious shopping. Although I haven't had a chance to Scrapook in a long time! But I'm always up for shopping and hunting out the new tools. Three years ago was my very first time at a Scrapbook convention! That's where I saw the Wishblade for the first time! I remember how excited I was and with in a couple of weeks I was cutting out titles!
Did I mention cutting some titles?
My cutters now have some of my newest line...
I worked on some really exciting files that I can't wait for you to see.
I'm thinking I'll give you a little hint each day until they
are in the store.
If you guess any one of the new files coming
out I'll give it to you.
OK...so let's see
First hint...You would cut these in earth tones!
Gosh If anyone one was to answer correctly to that!!! They deserve the whole line...
I'm such a stinker...tomorrow you will get another hint.
OK...I better go we leave early in the morning. Hopefully, I won't be to exhausted tomorrow night I have more to share from my CDT's.
Have a great weekend and HaPpY ScRaPpInG!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Posted by
12:06 AM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
No fooling around on this APRIL FOOLS!
Thank you to everyone who participated in my sale on Saturday & Sunday!
I received many emails that you had fun shopping and picking up some new files!
I hope to see some of your creations with them and if you share... remember you will
get a free file! If you need some inspiration to help you use a file check out my section in the
Paperthreads gallery.
Much is going on...I'm planning on attending the REGIONAL Scrapbooking Retreat weekend! I am so excited to have a chance to meet some of you! I am presently working on an album for a class that weekend. I think my album should be finished by the end of next week, if all goes well, I will post some pictures. You know I have to say, "if all goes well", as a mother of seven I always have to make room for delays because I do expect the unexpected...he he he.
Converting files from AV8 to WPC...whew! this is like taking me forever to do. Since I only have one chance to switch what's in the store. I am going through everyone of my files and coloring the lines. It's amazing how my files have progressed in a year. I plan on beginning to upload them next week so at least by the end of April all of my files will be available in the WPC format.
BTW- Did you know that my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY is this month? I never would have thought that I would have over 200 files in the store. And I feel so blessed... I have met so many wonderful supportive people through Paperthreads! I just love the LO's you have shared and the emails it's really been a fun year for me and I want that to continue.
SO...I'm planning some special things this month to celebrate! Keep a watch out for my post!
You know I like to leave presents, right!
Well...Did you see the present in the right side bar? It was a gift to me created by one of my CDT's...the little avatar that says "I (heart) Carrie's Creations". Isn't it outrageously cute!
Jen made me this to share with my customers, I put a link next to it for you to download. You can place the avatar in your signature or on your blog. Not only did she created this little bumper sticker for me but she made one for everyone of my team members, all six of them! You should see them soon popping up in the gallery, forum and who knows where? If your spotted any time between now and April 15th using the "I (heart) Carrie's Creations" you will win my flip-flop album! So watch your PM in the upper right corner when on the forum you might have been spotted by one of my CDT's!
Talking about my CDT's... I still have one yet to be discovered so if you want a free file keep your eye out for that new member! Post her name under my comments here and you could receive one free file if you guess right, excluding any super or Mega packs.
Once my CDT's have all been discovered...I'll introduce you to each one of them...I can't wait they all do such awesome creative work!
Special note *Yesterday I tried several times to send out the files that were requested by Shae and Bernzee who spotted some of the team. For some reason I am having trouble sending out attachments. I had to give up on trying to find out the problem because of family duties but will work on it tonight. One thing, please email me the format that you need the files in by clicking on the email below my name. I might be able to troubleshoot the problem if you send the mail there, rather than boggle my mind on sending issues with outlet! Sometimes the computer can be a big pain!
I have a few more Amusement Park themed files to get into the store...so excited about them. I'll upload some pics. tomorrow so you can see. Then that's it for this week I've been taking advantage of the gloomy days to finish our taxes and get this house in order...You know summer's around the corner and we will be running!
HaPpY ScRaPpiNg!
Posted by
11:55 AM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Eye Candy
I love Jen's use of the grays, pinks and purples and how she used the frame to create the couple as the focal point. Do you see my chandelier? Jen took the Chandelier and cut it out on a transparency and then covered it with a sprinkling of glitter. It makes the page look so glamorous!

How about this one! It's just as amazing as the first.
What a creative idea Jen had to cut the chandelier out of music paper.
Amusement Park: Roller Coaster with Titles CS00215
Doreen surprised me with this AWESOME layout! "Fairly Odd Family"...look how much fun SHE is having on the kiddie roller coaster! Doreen used my Roller Coaster from my newest line of Amusement Park die-cuts. I love the way she placed the brads along the top of the coaster and on the arrow! AND added some BLING to the coaster cars with shiny beads.
Posted by
8:08 PM