Children's ATC Challenge...
Are you looking for something for the kids to do on spring break? Or over the weekend? How about stepping aside and allowing them to create their very own ATC card?
The challenge is really to you mom or grandma! Can we sit back and allow our children to create without getting involved in the process?
Well I'm going to try! It should be interesting, although, when Julie heard that Paperthreads was going to host children's challenges she sat right down and drew up her own design. It was so precious when she came to me showing me a twelve scoop ice cream cone. I had to explain that I didn't know the details on the challenges but I don't think they want you to design your own file.
Then she said OK mommy, can I cut some of your files to get ready for the challenge, this was like a month ago. I told her that I had an ice cream cone so we cut that out then she printed "I (heart) U" on the three cones, she was so proud that she had a start on the challenge. We set that one aside for when the challenges begin.
Then when she saw my banners she wanted to create something out of those. You saw the banner that she made for her room didn't you? I then sat back and allowed her to choose the files plan and adhere her wall banner. We decided to share it on my blog still waiting for the Children's challenge to be announced.
Finally, the challenge is posted and I haven't told her yet. We have been so busy with the last week of school assignments and preparations for first communion but I think I will let her know soon as I'm ready to step aside once again! My goal is to have it ready by the deadline! So If we don't get to it this weekend I'm setting aside Monday for sure so we can load it by March 18th.
I will let you know what her reaction is and I'm a little bit hesitant since I know she will want to begin right away and having Lorelei this weekend I better be ready. We still have some house cleaning and grocery shopping then I should be ready. How about you are you ready to set aside the challenge? Once you do you will be amazed at how excited they become and hey it's getting them involved in what we love...scrapping!
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see many Children's ATC cards loading in the forum...If I can do it you can too!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Children's ATC Challenge....
Posted by
1:57 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
It's my baby girls 20th Birthday!
How special that day was for our family and many friends!
You have brought so much sunshine in our life...
this is a tribute to Katie...of 20 blessed years!

And thank you for bringing so much joy into all of our lives and those you touch!
Posted by
12:27 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
New Files to keep you inspired....
Hello my fellow scrappers it's been a little over a week till my last blog! I'm sorry...I do want to thank EVERYONE for joining in on my sale! So many of you were very happy when it started, I was flooded with emails. The biggest surprise was when I heard that the ladies on the cruise powered up their laptops to get in on the sale! Thank you so much it's really encouraging to hear news like that!
I hope all of you have recovered from the cruise. I took a little mini vacation my self. Scott and I got away for an evening of romance, it was so needed! We dinned, danced and stayed away for a night. I came home so refreshed. Then a girl friend spent the night Friday through Sunday we caught up on twenty years of our lives. Which takes an entire weekend to do. It was so funny when we opened a bottle of wine my girls started text messaging our older children who had to come home and see mom drinking. Like I've never had a glass or two, but gosh this was big news...OK so it took the second bottle to get me dancing...but we had a great time!
Katie is off to Florida, I'm so jealous...not! If she went down the coast a bit I'd be really upset. She called three times yesterday checking in...she's such a good girl...She told me that their are thousands of people around her and she wished that they would have driven to Tampa. Well I think she has made up my mind for our vacation this year...I want to return to Redington Beach were we will have some privacy!
Julie & Kristen our preparing for their first communion. I just can't wait for them to be more in communion with our church! And this year when we visit our favorite place in the whole wide world (that's what my kids say and of course me), Catholic Familyland they will both participate in the procession wearing their white communion dresses. I'll have to have my camera by then!
I've been without my camera as it slowly breaks down...which is one of the reasons why blogging has been such a choir for me. I'd rather share it with pictures...which I'm going to be shopping for a camera this week... I'm looking into the Cannon Rebel.
Did you get to see the two files I happened to get into the store last week? My princess album and more princess die-cuts! I'm not crazy about the yellow background showing the album's hard showing white on white...but it's an awesome album all ready with the cover, back and inserts for you to cut! I have special instructions in the zip file for binding the album. You can use this album after visiting any of the Disney theme parks or if you are having a Princess party! The idea came along with one of Brian's friends stopping bye to say hello. She asked me to design her an album to give to her customers at a beauty shop which they have Princess parties.
Princess slipper, crown & the Princess can use any of the die-cuts from this file for a Princess page or your album! I just love all this Princess themed stuff!
OH...did I mention my Princess clippies? They are coming out very soon! I am so excited about these little clippies and I know many of you are clip fans! I started to pull some pictures to possibly scrap some... if I ever get some time! I have a house full of princesses so many photos to scrap!
My newest Wedding line...
Katie and I were talking about her wedding...NOT that she's engaged yet! Don't worry friends and relatives you will be the first to know but we still talk about the one day big event! Anyway, after she and I spoke about the songs we will play and the gown she would wear I hopped in my car to run to the store...what's playing a wedding song! It brought tears to my eyes thinking how one day we will have to give up our precious first girl...Katie. I get silly like that...then another wedding song...OK what's going on...the radio station is having the Wedding contest as I listened I began to think...I need a Wedding line...and here it is...
I just love the elegance of these two Wedding Dresses! They are very easy to cut to have a beautiful die-cut to add to your album. If you look closely you can also the veil which was cut from vellum.My Wedding Cake...decorate with your color theme and you will have the perfect die-cut to go with cutting the cake!
Every bride needs her special bouquet of flowers... this file contains different sized and shaped roses in full bloom with sprigs of different sizes to duplicate the brides bouquet. Place the die-cut on a page as the Bride throws her bouquet or a page that is all about the bride.
Needing a tuxedo? You could use this die-cut for a Wedding photo or how about when shopping for the suit?
The Brides Maids and flower girl dresses are beautiful and so easy to cut. Cut them in your favorite pattern papers or colors to match your Wedding.Titles for the Wedding... I have three files full of titles to complete an entire album so you won't miss a thing...and they are all finished in the same font to have an elegant album when your finished. Showing are two of the titles soon to be released...I'm waiting for my third titles to get cut...which should be ready today or tomorrow!
Let's not forget the Limo! If you rode in style to the Wedding or out to Prom, I've created a Limo for those pictures! He's easy to cut and paste so that you will have more time to enjoy taking more pictures...
I hope you enjoyed the new files and I look forward to creating some really awesome die-cuts for you next week! I'm thinking spring, summer and lots of fun stuff all created by hand so you will receive an original piece of ART!
HaPpY ScRaPpInG!
Carrie that I'm back from my mini-retreat I'll be sharing some great layouts that my CDT have made for you and to my much neglected group...I'm leaving you a file.
Thank you for all of your support!
Posted by
1:20 PM