Whew what a week! We went from running the air to turning on the furnace and I'm so happy that the fall weather is here. But the weather change really gave me some trouble and I slept most of the beginning of this week... so my blog was neglected not to mention my wonderful family!
But things are getting back to some what normal what ever that can be? The growth chart classes are posted and coming along if you are interested you can still join. We are just getting to the techniques and I have some great things to share! Just click on Carrie's Classes here you can follow the thread to sign up.
It's apple picking time! And on Sunday we will go to our favorite farm Eckart's the whole family goes. I'm looking forward to the country music, the petting zoo and a squealing fun pig race that's such a hoot! Then we will hop on the Deere Express a wagon pulled by a tractor through the orchards full of Jonathan, gala and granny apples were we will pick so many apples we won't know what to do with...well I guess we will be making candy apples, apple pie, apple fritters and maybe some apple sauce... I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
Just in time for apple picking I've made some awesome files and I'm giving one of them away today! You will get the candy apple file just click on the link above.......And below I've made a file that is now available in the store.... It's all you need to complete a full layout! I got the idea from a layout I made when Julie was three... Look at her she is now seven, time goes so quickly!

Have a great weekend!