Oh..my have I had all kinds of computer problems...last night after getting everyone off to bed I sat down to connect to the internet.... I couldn't!! I couldn't get any email either than I realized my husband had switch services and the new modem was still packed sitting on a shelf....
Thank goodness my husband pitched in and we got it going... but then I had to set it all up...create accounts... YUC! and all that crazy stuff....
Then I had problems with cutting files...one thing after another you know how it goes... my usb came unplugged and I spent an hour trying to figure it out!! Finally I called Michelle...you guys know how wonderful she is!!! With in minutes she was on my computer and had it fixed!!! WHEW!!! So I do apologize for the delay.... I'm also preparing to leave for the weekend...lots of shopping, packing and all that stuff!
I'm giving you the owl file it's one of my favorites since my mother use to collect owls.... September is the month she past away... so it seemed fitting to honor her by creating an owl of my own!! I hope you like it!! And Hope to see someones layout or project from using it!
That would be such a gift to me......HINT!...HINT!!!!
So have a good night I will be pulling this off in less than twenty-four hours since I'll be out of town..... So don't delay in downloading!!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I'm a little late but....
Posted by
12:35 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Last night my girls had assignments on remembering 911 after they were through we talked about them remembering... Julie and Kristen had an idea they wanted to make posters for the neighborhood. I told them that's a little to much because we needed to get to bed... so I promised if they wanted I would post their posters on my blog.... here they are...
Posted by
2:37 PM
Organizing and Learning
It's hard to get to everything, lately! Last week my new Klick-N-Kut arrived... I've got to tell you it's the best purchase that I have EVER made!!! And so thrilled Michelle has encouraged her designers to get it!
I had to laugh when it arrived... it's size and durablilty is nothing like the wishblade! I took a picture for you to see!!
Some of the difference that I noticed right away... SPEED! When I went to test the pen tool and it took off... I jumped back nearly falling into my chair! And it wasn't even set to the highest setting! Even with the speed the cuts are nice and smooth!!!!
I love the way it loads and how you can adjust the rollers to sit right on top of any size paper... so if you need to cut a 6 x 6 sheet of paper you just adjust the rollers and set origin with a computerized touch pad right on the front of the machine!
Then their is the software....it's loaded!!! The program is a full scale graphics art program... so no need to go out and purchase expensive software... this has it! Some of the steps like welding once you get the letters overlapping just like you want then, with a click of a button...your fonts are welded.
It's a big program with customized settings so their is much to learn... which it seems like my nose is in the manual a lot here lately... but it's all good! The more customized settings the better the file...better quality!
One of my favorite features is when you go to cut.... a file, you have all these colored lines that outline each element... you no longer have to move any of the files.... you just go to cut select cut by color and place that colored paper on the mat.... then it cuts only that color...AWESOME feature!!!!!
If you are considering the leap towards the KNK.... I have to give it a thumbs up... you won't regret it!! As I play more with it I'll post more about it....
I'm still working on converting files... I will be giving away one tomorrow...thanks for your patience... just trying to regroup, figure out this program and organize my neglected scrap room!
happy scrapping!
Posted by
10:43 AM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Visit from a FIREMAN!

Posted by
4:08 PM