45% off all single files and 34% off all mega files all weekend long!
It's going to be a big weekend at our house!
Tomorrow is my 45th Birthday and Monday, Scott and I will celebrate our 26th year Anniversary! Whoo hoo!
And a year ago Monday I signed my contract with Paperthreads. Can you believe it? It's been a whole year! Although my files didn't start coming into the store till the third week of May. It's amazing how time flies!
I think my family has some surprise they are planning for me. I was told that Jason, our oldest is coming to stay and that I'm suppose to pack. Hmm...I just love surprises! 
And we received a surprise on Tuesday, when an agent called representing a developer who is interested in buying our property. He's coming on Sunday to drop off a contract. YIKES! I'm going through so many emotions! I was so excited at first, but then last night I became over whelmed, thinking about losing all of our freedom and privacy that we so much love.
I was thinking if we moved where will Jesse and Julie have to explore? What will my neighbors be like? Where would we go that we would have the freedom to have a bon-fire, which my teens so love? Or play volley ball? Or baseball? Most new homes have barely a yard.
hat about my cat, Sugar who loves to roam? He has his own schedule! After I feed him, he leaves to hunt in the woods. Then at some point, he takes a walk down the private drive across two properties to visit another couple, they then feed him. By the afternoon he continues further away crossing six acres to another families house, getting fed one more time.
By 5:00, he has gone all the way done the private drive to the last property to visit that families cats and to get more...you know FOOD! You would think this cat should weigh a hundred pounds. With all the running he does he gets plenty of exercise.
And then I have to think about our four dogs who love to run and play. They have so much room here! What about our fourth of July party, we can light up the sky with fireworks.
I don't know if we would be able to do that any where else.
Then I think of moving into a new home, with everything all finished. And I already did some research, finding a home less then a mile away with a built in swimming pool. A master bedroom with walk in closets, private bathroom with bath/shower and a free standing shower, the kitchen had marble conter tops with a ceter curved island and a huge pantry. It sounds so good. We would no longer have the pressure to finish this house. Our bathrooms, laundry room still need to be finished. And we were getting ready to put in hardwood floors through out our first floor. 
Just thinking about it all makes my head spin! I am so glad we are going to have a busy weekend, not knowing what they are brining to the table is driving me crazy! So I'm just not going to think about it any more, or at least I'm going to try not to.
Now I got some surprises for you! First did you see the new link on the right to download a test file? Well don't forget to get it! The lace pocket with flower is a gift for you but you must not share it, you have to adhere to my terms of use even on my freebies. Just cut it out and see for yourself how smooth it cuts.
I want you to celebrate with me and all weekend long and through out Monday all of my files will be 45% OFF. But this does not include my Mega packs which will continue to be on sale at 35% off till the end of this month. 
Have you had the chance to see my newest designs? I had so much fun making them! Everyone of the designs here are hand drawn. Once I sketched them out I just scan them into my computer and tweaked them in illustrator. I've been moving away from clipart so you will have personal designs.
I thought with the sale coming up you might want to see some of my newest stuff and I placed them here so they are easy to add to your collection. Just click on a package and it will take you right to the store. 
If you check back tomorrow I will have a surprise for you! It's a really...really BiG sUrPrIsE! This is going to be my biggest give away ever!
Since this will be such a big give away I'm having to set some limits. So make sure you check back often! You won't want to miss out on this surprise!
Which one is your favorite? I know if you have girls in your home you might like the Enchanted Princess Mega Pack. But now if you have boys you might like the dinosaurs, or the blast off clippies, maybe the boys and toys clips?
I need some time to scrap!
So I can use some of these custom die-cuts.
I keep thinking that I will take just one day out of the week to get some pages done.
Have you seen Tim Holtz demonstrations! I can't wait to try some mist. Using his special mix to create your very own "pearlized-distress" mist solution!
I just love the new look that the mist gives to a page and now you can create the mist yourself. Just follow the easy step by step instructions by clicking his link.

I already have the grungeboard and the inks, I just need to pick up a few some perfect pearls in heirloom gold. This technique would be awesome when using any of my muse files like a "Muse of Nuts & Bolts" , or one of my borders like the Enchanted Princess border. What would be really cool is to use my chandelier die-cut as a mask. Maybe next week I'll get to this.
Now come back tomorrow and you may have a chance at some surprised and on Monday I'll even have more.
HaPpY ScRaPpInG!