Saturday, October 13, 2007
All about the arrow!
Just stopping in for some quick announcements.
Are you struggling with organizing? Me to... to help us get started I've placed my ribbon storage cards on sale at 20% off for the rest of the month.
Need ideas check this out crafty storage. You won't believe this blog it is awesome! Their are so many ideas for storage, theirs storage for small spaces, storage for ribbon, for buttons, for papers, what celebrates are using and real life studios and so much more.
Now you have no more excuses in getting your scrap space organized!
Big sale weekend ******Get 33 %***** Off on all my Fall related files, sale continues through out the weekend!
"ALL ABOUT THE ARROW' free file give away today only from Carries_Creations group.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by
8:44 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
what would we do with out our sisters.... one of the greatest gifts i've had through out the years is my sister! we have been through thick and thin together! together we made it through unbearable times.... the lose of our parents, through foster homes and she was my guardian angel through my terrible teenage years! she has always stood by my side! Can you tell I'm reminiscing.....
kay surprised me the other day...when she called and we were catching up with our busy lives. we were talking about her new suv, she mentioned that she was buying cd's to listen to as she drove to and from work. i mentioned that i had keith urban's cd's and just love listening to his music...she's like well i bought the new rascal flatts cd. i'm like... you should try keith urbans he hits upon so many life issues.... and on and on i go about keith. she's like well do you like rascal flats? i'm like yeah but i love keith blah blah blah... she then brings me back to rascal flats saying so where do you rate them i'm like i like them... i would turn the volume up when their song comes on but i just love keith...more about keith! then she said so you like rascal flatts music...... yeah kay i like them......well how would you like to go see them...i'm like no way!!!! what to wear? i was thinking about a blouse and a soft vanilla cashmere sweater with some black and white pin striped slacks that i got last year from my fav clothing store york and co. or should i wear some thing more casual like jeans...
Posted by
9:06 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Ta- da it's finished

Posted by
11:02 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
I forgot to mention!
Thank you to all those who signed up for my yahoo group!
All of you had such nice things to say! That keeps me going!
I look forward to keeping you informed through my group using it as a newsletter or announcement for sales, sneak peaks, free file give aways, contest and classes that I will have in the near future.
Also, From time to time I will be adding tips on creating your own files and sketches for layouts so it will be a great little resource for you in your endeavorer to create those special memories.
Don't miss out on all the goodies! You can still sign up to be on my mailing list through my group Carries_Creations. Use either the button on my blog to sign up or the link above.
* Did you know that 95% of my files are original and hand drawn by me? This takes me longer to produce a design but I want them to be unique and exclusively my work.
Posted by
11:33 PM
Whew! We made it through the weekend it was busy!!!
Friday night we had the Rodeo Round Up. We had a blast and for sometime I sat and face painted. The mom who headed this seemed worried she asked me if I had ever face painted. With confidence I told her you don't have to worry about my artistic abilities. Well she hung out over my shoulder for a few face paintings then I didn't see her the rest of my time.
And on Saturday we survived the birthday party which all I can say is if I ever say that I'm going to have a party this size.... Remind me not to!
The kids refused to play any games, oh by the way thank you for all the suggestions I took them down and was ready for them. But this group of preteens would rather sit around and catch up with one another, listen to music and act silly!
They were like a huge flock of ducks. Every time Scott or I sat near them they would take off to the other side of our property. Eventually, We'd work our way over to them and they would take off back to the bonfire. Scott and I were running all over the place not to mention back up to the house to carry down pizza's, chips and dip.
When I left to get the cake up in the house two boys burned themselves one picked up a rod that someone dared him to pick up. The other was goofing around and acting like he was going to fall in the fire, guess what he slipped and fell into the fire. Nothing serious thank goodness! After plunging one boys hand in a bucket of ice water and throwing packs of ice on the other boys arm. I made them both call their parents. I think I was more freaked out then any of their parents they just said "Well they aren't crying so we aren't worried". They were picked up about an hour later. Not me if one of my children called I would have been gone right away.
After this incident I had to call for back up so my twenty year old son Brian came home. He took over the fire pit and I then I watched those on the trampoline and set up my little Julie as a spy to walk in between. Scott took care of the house seeing who was going in and out and where they were going. All I could do was convince my self that soon this to shall pass! And it did, finally parents arrived and I met this dad who works for a printing company. He's going to start saving me all kinds of papers. He didn't leave until 1:00 in the morning.
And when I hit my bed I was out! The next morning Jennifer was so thankful! I guess it was all worth it ...........but never again! I'll have a little party like ten girls but no more than that!
I only had the chance to take just a couple of pictures since they had me running all over the place... I guess I'll just have to journal the whole event!
And today Julie was off school so I took Jesse and her to the zoo. Here are some picture's of our visit.....
Posted by
7:10 PM