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Posted by
10:42 AM
Well here are my new babies... I think these guys are one of my favorites so far...what do you think? And what's missing...hmmm I think I forgot some sort of file to go with it...what might it be? Do you know what's missing?
Let me remind you there is still just one CDT to be spotted. Here are the CDT members you have guessed so far Rosalie, Tina, Cherie, Jen, Shelly. I'm really enjoying giving out the files.
My heart is heavy tonight after receiving a phone call. One of our friends, Randy is in the ICU ward, in critical condition. He was sent home yesterday from the hospital after six days recovering from a very serious surgery. He is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and in the fourth stage. The cancer had spread to his lymph nodes, liver and other organs. Most of his liver was removed along with other organs during surgery. He seemed to be doing very well recovering in the hospital.
BUT the insurance company had informed the doctors that they were through covering him and that if he were to stay the three more days they would not cover his expenses. Even though the doctors believed he was going home to soon. So Randy went home.
In the middle of the night he started having problems. He now has aspiration pneumonia and a very serious infection which is through out his entire body.
We met Randy through his daughter Jenny who is like my own daughter. I am very proud of Jenny as I've watched her grow from a young girl into a wonderful wife and mother. We started a tradition at our home on the fourth of July with a barbecue then we would all go to a park to watch the fire works.
I really met Randy as a teenager. We figured that out one evening. He was on staff at the skating rink that I use to go to as a teenager. It's kind of funny, I can remember that "guy" who use to help us learn to spin, as we held hands and would skate in a circle then set us on the floor as we would spin round and round. Yet, I still can't put it together in my mind that they are the same people?
Please pray for him, Jenny and the family as we wait and hope. May God's will be done.
Thank you,
Posted by
10:33 PM
comments house is so very quite...I'm like wondering if I'm in the right place?
I just got Julie and Jesse to bed. They were exhausted! They got lots of fresh air playing outside today. I'm so glad that spring is here and they can get out and explore!
After dinner we played Old Maid...can you believe it? OLD MAID! Julie and Jesse had never played. Now who do you think had the Old Maid first? Of course me! But as an adult I had an advantage, so I thought! It was a good plan that I just thought like them.
Here is what I did. I would just slide the Old Maid up and they would take it. It didn't take them long to figure that one out. So then I slid the card down and guess what? They were fouled again! But of course as they watched it didn't take long.
Soon Jesse had his own idea. He started taking the end card, which I thought was pretty smart. During the time the Old Maid was in someone else's hand, I took note of how he continued to feel safe by pulling that end card.
Finally, when I had the old maid and had her all set on the end, he grabbed the middle card. Now my theory was blown to pieces.
Julie had her own way of playing she just closed her eyes and pulled a card. Actually that was a good plan because I lost!
The biggest challenge in playing was to try and teach Jesse that he needs to keep quite when he draws a card. If he drew a "safe" card, up his arm would go then quickly he would pull his elbow into his side while making a fist and saying "YES"! On the other hand if he drew the old made he would sigh.
We had a great time playing Old Maid and tomorrow they want to learn crazy eights, now that should be interesting!
Are you wondering about the next line and who might have or may not have guessed the right answer? Well, one of you is red HOT! I am so surprised at how quick that went. But I'm going to be a stinker! I'll tell you who tomorrow night because I want to show you the line!
Well that's just plain mean you say? you want me to be mean or make Mega files? I figured that with the house quite right now. I can turn my attention to pulling together one, two or maybe three Mega files. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do both. I really want to get in bed before midnight!
So tomorrow night I will give you the answer and I want to get to your emails! I see some of you have already contacted me so know that I will get to you then. Also, I will announce the consolation prize for all of you who at least tried!
Have a wOnDeRfUl night EveryONE!
See ya tomorrow...
Posted by
9:28 PM
I really have a good excuse! The convention really wiped me out! I just wanted to come home and crash. But my little Lexi was here, that's my grand daughter, a little busy bee. Lexi is sixteen months old and into everything so we all took turns in playing with her.
Although, I have to say Scott is her very favorite. She just loves her Papa! By evening we had a yard full of kids from the neighborhood, since the weather was so nice. They were every where and hard to keep up with. So by the time we sent them home we just crashed!
Then my beautiful Sunday which was absolutely gorgeous outside with sunshine and warm spring weather I had to stay in and secure my computer. Lots of weird wacky stuff was going on with it. I was afraid that it would crash!
Once I spoke to my brother in law who gave me a check list of to do's I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. And I took advantage of a peaceful house since Scott took the kids fishing. They were home way before I finished the job. Sometimes these computers can be a big pain in the rear!
So have you cleaned up your computer? I'm talking about inside and out. Man does it collect dust! I had already lost one computer a few years ago from getting over heated and that was caused by dust so I do schedule to clean it every six months.
How about scanning for viruses, checking ports to make sure they are not being accessed? Or trojans, that' s the last scan I have to do today. Then theirs the cleaning the disk drives and defragmenter all of this takes so much time but I'm good to go! With a healthy check up!
OK so I have some things going on...
Guessing another CDT- Yep Rosalie is one of them so Lisa please email me from my blog with your choice in files. Shae- your right to guess tulip918- that's Rosalie and Tina is gadgetgrl, but others have already submitted their names. I'll still give you a file for trying though!
NOW...for my next files....not gardening! Sorry but contact me for a prize!
Ah...another hint maybe?
Bones...they have bones!
He-he-he this is way to fun!
Thanks ladies and keep trying someone will get it and I promise tomorrow I will give you another hint. Unless of course you guess at least the theme of the files...
HaPpY ScRaPpInG!
Posted by
5:30 PM